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Greystone Paddock Vac

The Sunday Review: Greystone Paddock Vac


Manure management is a constant headache for farms everywhere. No matter how fancy of a place you have your horse still creates an endless supply of manure; about 50 pounds per horse per day. It adds up fast. Since manure adds up so fast we need to stay on top of it. It takes hours for farmworkers to remove it all, cleaning stalls…picking paddocks…dragging. A buildup can create health issues and hoof problems, it smells and attracts a lot of flies.

Greystone Paddock Vac

There are loads of ways people manage manure on their farms. Some drag. Some pick. Some let it dry out. Some spread it. Some haul it away. Some compost it. For years I’ve been eyeing the Greystone Paddock Vac. I’ve even contemplated building a DIY version of it myself (but the DIY was also expensive and not worth the risk, to be honest). That’s why when my friend listed hers at a fraction of the regular cost I jumped on it. I promised her cash and would go through hell and high water to buy it from her. I’ve had the Greystone Paddock Vac since fall 2022 and let me tell you. WOW. It was WORTH the purchase!!

Having a small private farm is nice because you have a lot less manure to fight with. The Greystone Paddock Vac is the company’s midsize model, it holds 400 liters, or about 3-4 wheelbarrow loads. The paddock vac can come in two hitch options; ball or drop pin. My style is drop pin and is super easy to use with my ATV. When it’s empty it is easy to pull around using the handle. Simply pull it over to the ATV and you’re ready to hook up and go.

Greystone USA

The door closes using adjustable hooks, you can unscrew the hooks or screw them tighter to make sure the seal stays tight. The suction is provided by an easy-to-use 50cc Honda 4-stroke motor. The hose is roughly 10 feet long (only guessing) and the handle has 2 grips for aiming at the manure piles. To empty the bucket, the paddock vac has a hook to hold the door open. By the base of the hookup, there is a foot pedal to release the suction chamber.

The whole unit tips nicely to dump the contents out. I find I can back up the ATV slightly to get the unit nearly vertical to help remove all the contents. I like to have a metal pitchfork nearby to completely empty the unit.

The vacuum started immediately with no issues and I went to work. In about ten minutes I had vacuumed the entirety of the pasture with one week’s worth of manure from the pair. I was already so happy with it.

The vacuum is a little heavy to use one-handed and it can be tiresome to drive hop on and off over and over again. I always clean my paddocks alone but it would be a lot easier and faster to have a helper to drive the ATV while I vacuum. The vacuum is so powerful that it breaks the manure into bits which makes composting easier. We are using the dumpings to spread and fill in low areas in our yard.

Greystone Paddock Vac

Although the vac works in wet conditions, it makes the whole unit heavier and harder to dump nicely. That said, it still works so well. It takes the manure without taking all the mud. In fact, the only conditions that I struggle with at all are overgrown grass (6+”) and areas with lots of hay/straw. The fibrous material clogs the hose. Occasionally the manure will come up in clumps and clog it but with a few bangs on the wheel well of the ATV, it clears easily (not so much with the waste hay).




Greystone Paddock Vac


I got my Greystone Paddock Vac for a steal of a price, but it is worth much more. The unit typically sells new for over $3000. The company is originally from Australia but in the last few years developed a warehouse in Nevada. From this warehouse, they make and ship this unit as well as drags and temporary fencing. As a small private owner that might be out of my reach financially but if I had the funds I’d say it’s worth it in the long run. It will save you HOURS immediately.

When I got back on my feet after 6 months of being laid up I managed to clean my small sacrifice area in 2 days with 8 loads. There was a LOT of manure to take out! If I didn’t have the vacuum I never would have caught up.

Greystone Paddock Vac

The vac allows me to clean the paddocks only once per week (or 2 if the weather is bad)…I do pick my stone-based areas regularly (hay hut and shelter). In the winter I don’t clean much since everything freezes, so it also helps me clean up in spring quickly.

If I had to come up with numbers, I’d say the Greystone Paddock vac takes my usual 1-hour job and cuts it into 15 minutes. It’s truly remarkable what a difference it makes, and I should also note it picks up the little pieces too whereas a pitchfork misses things. If you operate a larger facility the Greystone Maxivac is capable of holding double the capacity (800L or 5-6 barrow loads). If you like to keep your paddocks and pastures clean this is a worthy investment. It will help cut down on your parasite loads as well as fly population.

The check out Greystone and get a quote please visit:

**I do not get paid or any remuneration for my reviews, these are purely from the consumer’s point of view with no bias.**

SHAre :

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